Thursday, April 27, 2006

Internet Marketing: The Road Ahead

Development is ever growing it never stops. Since the Stone Age man has been bringing new discoveries into the world. His greed increased with the advent of new technologies, it never died. When the first computer was created no one had thought that one-day with this small box the whole world would be just a click away.

Nowadays the consumer trend is shifting from the physical market to the online market. People are searching for solutions that can be accessed from their homes. Now, no more searching things in the heated sun. Just log on to the Internet go to an online shopping site and get your product delivered to you at your home. Observing this trend, there is a broad scope for online marketing and online buying/selling of goods and services. So, if your business is not listed on the Internet then you are definitely missing out from the future race.

Internet Marketing is the marketing world of the future. On the Internet information flows rapidly, like a fire in a forest. Thus if you want to sell your product the most important thing is that you make one site know and the rest of the world will find you. A well-developed site that appeals to the taste of its visitors is the winner in the race of Internet domain. So don’t lag behind and enter into Internet Marketing, make yourself known to the world and reach your potential buyers.

Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Press Release: The Myths and underlying Innovation

A novice painter one day created his masterpiece. He was very excited and told everyone in the vicinity about his achievement. But, he could not achieve the fame, which he deserved for his great work of excellence. One day he arranged for an exhibition for his collection of arts and the next day he was acclaimed a rising star.

The question arises what was the sudden action that made him famous around the world. Well, the talent was same but the way of making the talent reach the world differed.
The exhibition can be thought of as an analogy of Press Release.

The world is a rat race. There are many people at par with you but what makes you stand out of the crowd is not the quality but the way you portray your quality to the world. The press release is an important vehicle to do this.

According to the advertising “Gurus” Press Releases are becoming the next generation publicity stunts. But the catch is that, if you do not have a story to tell the world you cannot create a press release. It’s about giving to the people what they want to know but in a style.

Here are some of the tips for writing an effective press release:
Every news release is associated with an event, time and place.
The release should include content that is relevant to your business or in case of a story it should have the potential to stir the audience.
Formatting of the release is also very important. Use proper fonts, spacing, margins, etc.
The press release should always end with a signature describing the author or the company. This facilitates authenticity of the release.
For most prominence the news should be associated with a Headline i.e. a concise one-line sentence of the whole news depicting the basic element of the content.
Summary of the release highlighting the most important event.
The body of the release with paragraphs written in their descending importance.

Press Releases are not any junk material. You should take them seriously if you want to make yourself known to the world. A properly compiled release will put you on the road of success with you on the driving wheel.

Remember, “It is not enough to do your best; you must know what to do, and THEN do your best and tell the world.”

Saba Karimi